Penny Frith

“Nov 30, 2003 would be a day that would change my life forever but would also put me in touch with a group of people that care about what they do and the people they are helping (everyone at Burtons). I was involved in a motorcycle accident that resulted in the amputation of my right leg BK. Tony has been with me through it all. He visited me in the hospital, providing words of encouragement and listening to me with every painful detail and problem that I had when fitting my first prosthetic. I would recommend anyone dealing with a prosthetic see the folks at Burtons. Russ and Jan, Tony (my provider), and everyone else that I have dealt with over the years have always showed me that people do care and take the time to understand and listen. Thank you to all my friends at Burton, you have truly put a positive spin on a negative experience.”

- Penny Frith

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